Crop science

  Plant protection


Scientific research methodology

Applied crop physiology

Plant nutrients

Applied biostatistics

Integrated pest management strategies

Seminar 1

Crop production

Ecology in agriculture system

Advanced plant breeding

Soil and water management in crop production

Seminar 2

Molecular biology & genetics

Agriculture systems

Greenhouse production management

Plant breeding technology for crop improvement

Host-parasite interactions

Plant resistant to biotic stress

Climatic resources of agricultural systems

Climate change: impacts, adaptation and mitigation

Soilless culture technology

Urban agriculture

Seed science and technology

Biological control

Strategies of integrated  management

Beneficial microbes for sustainable agriculture

Crop - weed interactions

Agricultural products supply chains management

Post-harvest technology



Scientific research methodology

Applied biostatistics

Insect ecology

Soil-born pests

Host-parasite interactions

Seminar 1

Plant fungal diseases

Plant nemotological diseases

Plant bacterial and viral diseases

Seminar 2

Applied crop physiology

Crop production

Beneficial microbes for sustainable agriculture

Post-harvest pest management

Biological control

Ecology in agriculture system

Plant nutrients

Plant resistant to biotic stress

Pesticide toxicology

Biomolecular in plant protection

Agro-insect biodiversity

Strategies of integrated pest management

Strategies of integrated weed management

Crop - weed interactions

Crop protection in organic farming

Insect behavior mechanisms

Agricultural products supply chains management



Page count: 4370
Last modify: 09-07-2024

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