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1.1.   Name of the department:  Department of Food crops, Vegetables, Flowers and Fruits.

1.2. Address: Room: 222, 242 and Lab 113 Phuong Vy, Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Linh Trung ward, Thu Duc district, Ho Chi Minh City. Telephone: (084).08.38961710 (Faculty of Agronomy/ Department of Food Crops. Email:

1.3. Briefly history: The Department of Food Crops, Vegetables, Flowers and Fruits was established in 1994. The period from 1994 to 2002 Associate Prof. Dr. Le Minh Triet was the head of the department. From 2002 to 2010 Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Ke was the head of the department. From 2011 to date Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Thi Minh Tam has been the head of the department.

1.4. Functions:  

The Department has the functions of teaching, researching and transferring agricultural techniques in the following fields:

-       Food crops: paddy rice, corn, cassava, sweet potato (studies on technical measures, varieties, cropping systems and the symbiosis between maize and mycorrhiza). 

-       Vegetables: studies on varieties of tropical and subtropical vegetables; techniques to produce safety vegetables, survey on wild vegetables and multiplication. 

-       Flowers and ornamental plants:  studies on varieties, cultural practices and training of ornamental plants and flowers in the tropics, multiplication by tissue culture. 

-       Fruits crops: studies on varieties, multiplication, orchard design, pruning and training and cultural measures for citrus, mango, durian, longan, bananas, pineapple, sweetsop, jackfruit, dragonfruit, guava, waterapple. 


Dr. Tran Van Lot - Head of department

Dr. Hoang Long, lecturer

BSc. Biotechnology, University of Science

Master of Plant genetics and breeding, CAAS

Dortor of Plant genetics and breeding, CAAS



MSc. Pham Huu Nguyen


BSc. at UAF Ho Chi Minh City

Master of Science in Crop Science at UAF. HCM City

Research in Vegetables



MSc. Thai Nguyen Diem Huong, Lecturer

BSc. at UAF Ho Chi Minh City

MSc. at UAF. HCM City

Research in Fruit crops



MSc. Nguyen Van Phu

BSc. at UAF Ho Chi Minh City

MSc. at UAF. HCM City


MSc. Nguyen Pham Hong Lan

BSc. at UAF Ho Chi Minh City

MSc. at UAF. HCM City





 Undergraduate level

It undertakes four subjects:

-       Food crops (Paddy rice cultivation, Corn, Cassava and Sweet potato): 45 hours (3 credits) per class.

-       Vegetables: 30 hours (2 credits) per class.

-       Flowers and Ornamental plants:  30 hours (2 credits) per class.

-       fruits: 45 hours (3 credits) per class

-       Supervise about 40-50 undergraduate students to carry out the graduation paper each year.

Besides the classes of Crop Science, the department has lectures for classes of Plant Protection and Agr. Technical Pedagogy.  


To develop the research activities each member of the department has been carrying out the projects with the collaboration of the Foundations, Companies and the financing of the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Sciences and Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Offices of Sciences and Technology of provinces, Companies and the University. 

Main project tittles were listed below:

-       Collection and comparison of pineapple cultivars in South Vietnam.

-       Methods for special fruit trees in South Vietnam.

-       Selecting local and exotic fruit cultivars.  

-       Cultivation of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) in Long An and Binh Thuan provinces. Financed by CIRAD-FLHOR (France).

-       Comparison of Queen and Cayenne pineapple growing in sulphate acid soils (CIRAD-FLHOR).

-       Developing some selected mango, longan, and jujube and sweetsop cultivars in Can Gio district, HCM City.

-       Studies on pruning, floral induction for Thai mango and longan cultivars grown in Ho Chi Minh City.

-       The survey of indigenous plant species used as vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices and medicine in some ethnic minorities in South Vietnam (financed by AA Foundation, Japan).

-       Studies on citrus cultivars selected in South Vietnam and in Thailand.

-       Selected jackfruit cultivars for the Eastern region of South Vietnam.

-       Selecting cultivars and applying some intensive cultivation measures to hybrid maize in the Southeast region (1999-2000).

-       Studies on the cultural practices to increase corn yield in some remote villages of Southeast region (2005-2007). 

-       Studies on the symbiosis between maize and mycorhyza in Southeast region (2007-2008).

-       Selecting hybrid maize varieties adapting to the Southeast region of Vietnam (2001-2003). (Cooperate with National Maize Research Institute)

-       Measures to produce safety vegetables in Dong Nai province (Collaborate with Prof. Dr. Huynh Thanh Hung).

-       Measures to produce safety vegetables in Vung Tau province (Collaborate with Prof. Dr. Huynh Thanh Hung).

-       Cooperate with Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Ke to realize the project ofselected jackfruit cultivars for the Eastern region of South Vietnam. 


4.1. Books

-       Nguyen Van Ke, Yoshitaka Tanaka, Tomoya Akihama. 1997. Tropical fruits in Vietnam. AA- Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand. Japanese. 112 pages.

-       Nguyen Van Ke, Yoshitaka Tanaka. 1997. Tropical vegetables, herbs and spices in South East Asia, part 1: Vietnam. AA- Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand. Japanese. 146 pages.

-       Nguyen Van Ke. 2001.   Tropical fruits (volume 1). Agricultural publishing House, HCM City.Vietnamese. 175 pages.

-       Nguyen Van Ke.  1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005. Dragon Fruit. Agricultural publishing House, HCM City. Vietnamese. 35 pages.

-       Tanaka Yoshitaka, Nguyen Van Ke. 2007.   Edible wild plants of Vietnam. Orchid, Bangkok Thailand, ISBN: 974-524-089-3, ISBN-13: 978-974-524-089-6. English. 175 pages.

-       Hoang Kim, Pham Van Bien 1995. Cassava. Agricultural publishing House, HCM City. Vietnamese. 70 pages.

Page count: 4601
Last modify: 26-08-2023

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