Roles - Duties:

Education: in charge of the following subjects

-         Undergraduate: Plant biochemistry, Plant physiology, Plant systemics, Plant development, Agricultural molecular biology, Agricultural ecology, Agricultural microbiology.

-         Master: Applied crop physiology, Plant cell differentiation.

-         PhD.: Physiology of plant reproduction, Physiological ecology.

Training: research and dissertation guidance for:

-         Undergraduate: Agronomy, Plant protection, Biotechnology majors.

-         Master: Crop science, Plant protection, Biotechnology majors.

-         PhD.: Crop science major.

Research: current focuses:

-         Application of new cultivation techniques, bioactive products and plant growth regulators in: induction of plant tolerance responses to adverse environmental conditions (drought, salt, etc.), control and induction of flowering and fruiting of crops, improvement of seed germination rate and resistance to pests and diseases.

-         Micropropagation of medicinal plants, rare and valuable ornamental plants.

-         Analysis of genetic differences among crop cultivars by molecular biological techniques.

-         Induction of secondary metabolite accumulation in plants with physical and chemical factors.

-         Designing, innovating and applying hydroponic techniques in cultivation of vegetables, ornamental plants, fruit crops and medicinal plants.

-         Utilizing beneficial microbial products in agriculture.

Current personnel:

-         Dr. Bùi Minh Trí, Head of the Department

·        PhD. in Plant Physiology, Innsbruck University, Austria

·        PostDoc in Plant Biotechnogy, Hannover University, Germany

·        Email:

-         Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phạm Văn Hiền

·        PhD. in Crop science, Nong Nghiep 1 University (currently Vietnam Academy of Agriculture).

·        Assoc. Prof. in Crop science, bestowed 2005.

·        Email:

-         Dr. Phạm Minh Duy

·        PhD. in Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, Seoul National University, South Korea.

·        Email:

-         MS. Phan Hải Văn

·        MS. in Plant Physiology, University of Science HCMC.

·        Email:

-         MS. Nguyễn Cao Kiệt

·        MS. in Crop science, Nong Lam University HCMC.

·        Email:


-         Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trịnh Xuân Vũ (Head of the Department 1975 – 1998)

-         Dr. Phạm Hồng Đức Phước (Head of the Department 1999 – 2007)

-         MS. Đinh Ngọc Loan

-         MS. Chung Thanh Tú

-         BS. Vũ Thị Mỹ Liên

-         Engr. Hoàng Quý Châu

-         MS. Nguyễn Ngọc Trì

-         MS. Nguyễn Ngọc Châu

Research results:

-         Evaluation of the nutritional value of Taiwan giant bamboo sprout (Dendrocalamus latiforus Munro), investigating different fertilizer regimes and varieties suitable for the ecology of Vietnam Southeast area (Ministerial-level research project).

-         Research on the production of white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus florida) from agricultural and forestial waste in the Mekong Delta (Ministerial-level research project).

-         AWI (Large-scale combined cultivation and animal husbandry in Đồng Nai, Bình Dương, Long An provinces and Ho Chi Minh City), FAO, 2002–2004; Vietnam cocoa development project (International project).

-         Selection and restoration of Phan Rang garlic variety (Provincial-level project – Ninh Thuận).

-         Determining the composition and structure of seed coating film to improve the growth and tolerance of some vegetables (Institutional-level project).

-         Effects of brassinolite on growth responses and antioxidant enzyme activities of Jasmine 85 rice cultivar under salinity condition (Institutional-level project).

-         DNA barcode analysis of Polyscias samples collected in Vietnam.

-         Establishing hydroponic production model for vegetables (lettuce, chili, tomato), flowers (carnation, lily, chrysanthemum), fruit plants (strawberry).

-         Research on resistance-inducing compounds for protection against diseases such as blast disease (rice), anthracnose, powdery mildew (vegetables, ornamental plants, fruit crops).

Development strategies:

-         Personnel: promoting education and training of Department’s personnel, increasing the number of staff members with PhD degree.

-         Education – training: increasing internship training for undergraduate students; establishing research groups, guiding and creating opportunities for students to conduct undergraduate research projects.


-         Scientific research: increasing registration and conduction of research projects at different levels (institutional, provincial, ministerial); improving cooperation with other institutes and provincial governments to study urgent issues in local agriculture; applying the research to produce transplants and bioactive products for agriculture on demand.

Page count: 4860
Last modify: 15-09-2022

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