No |
Code |
Title of Exhibition |
Category |
1 |
Exh.1.0.1 |
NLU establishment decision |
Decision |
2 |
Exh.1.0.2 |
Vision, mission and strategic objectives of NLU |
Decision |
3 |
Exh.1.0.3 |
Vision, mission, strategic objectives and educational philosophy of FA |
Document |
4 |
Exh.2.1.1 |
Website of AF and NLU |
Website |
5 |
Exh.2.1.2 |
Decision on the promulgation of AF’s PLOs in 2014 and 2018 |
Decision |
a |
Decision on the promulgation of AF’s PLOs in 2014 |
Decision |
b |
Decision on the promulgation of AF’s PLOs in 2018 |
Decision |
c |
Decision on the promulgation of NLU’s PLOs for Foreign Languages and IT ability (affected from 2015) |
Decision |
6 |
Exh.2.1.3 |
NLU's ISO Quality Assurance Handbook in 2005 (QMS ISO 9001:2000) |
Document |
7 |
Exh.2.1.4 |
POHE booklet in 2009 |
Document |
8 |
Exh.2.1.5 |
NLU’s Quality Assurance Handbook in 2017 |
Document |
9 |
Exh.2.1.6 |
Education Law of National Assembly, and Regulation of MOET and NLU |
a |
Education Law established in 2005 (Chapter VI) and 2012 |
Document |
b |
Regulation 43 of MOET on credits educating issued in 2007 |
Decision |
c |
Circular 57 of MOET on credits educating issued in 2012 |
Document |
d |
Regulation 17 of MOET on credits educating issued in 2014 |
Decision |
e |
Decision No.1982/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister on Vietnamese Qualifications Framework in 2016 |
Decision |
f |
Regulation 1712 of NLU on credits educating issued in 2014 |
Decision |
10 |
Exh.2.1.7 |
Feedback of stakeholders |
a |
Progress and procedure for educational programme improvement and performance |
Document |
b |
Survey forms of managers, agronomy alumni, engeneer/ technician for improving BSA programme |
Document |
c |
Survey report of managers, agronomy alumni, engeneer/technician for improving BSA programme in 2013 and 2017 |
Document |
d |
Feedback of stakeholders for PLOs and curriculum of BSA programme in 2013 and 2017 |
e |
BSA programme workshop in 2014 and 2018 |
f |
Meeting minutes of FA’s lecturers on contributions for POs, PLOs and curriculum in 2014 and 2018 |
g |
Meeting minutes of FA’s Academic and Scientific Committee on POs, PLOs and curriculum in 2014 and 2018 |
Document |
11 |
Exh.2.1.8 |
Decision on establishment of NLU and FA’s Academic and Scientific Committee |
a |
Decision on establishment of NLU’s Academic and Scientific Committee |
Decision |
b |
Decision on establishment of FA’s Academic and Scientific Committee |
Decision |
12 |
Exh.2.2.1 |
BSA Programme in 2011, 2014 and 2018 |
a |
BSA Programme in 2011 |
Document |
b |
BSA Programme in 2014 |
Document |
c |
BSA Programme in 2018 |
Document |
13 |
Exh.2.2.2 |
The Agronomy Diploma |
Document |
14 |
Exh.2.2.3 |
Revising the course specification |
a |
Course syllabus constructing process |
Document |
b |
Syllabus of Plant Biochemistry |
Document |
c |
Meeting minute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry |
Document |
d |
Meeting minute of FA Academic and Scientific Committee on the course specification |
Document |
15 |
Exh.2.2.4 |
Some course syllabi |
Document |
16 |
Exh.2.2.5 |
Feedback of employers, alumni, lecturers and students for the curriculum development |
a |
Plan of organizing workshops with employers, alumni, lecturers and students |
Document |
b |
Reports on annual meetings and workshops with employers, alumni, lecturers and students |
Document |
c |
Meeting reports of the FA Academic and Scientific Committee on revising the BSA Programme |
Document |
17 |
Exh.2.3.1 |
Report on the differences between BSA curriculum in 2011, 2014 and 2018 |
Document |
18 |
Exh.2.3.2 |
Rubrics for students assessment |
Document |
19 |
Exh.2.3.3 |
Benchmarking of the BSA programme |
Document |
20 |
Exh.2.3.4 |
List of equivalent subjects |
Document |
21 |
Exh.2.3.5 |
List of students who study a second diploma |
Document |
22 |
Exh.2.4.1 |
AF’s Student Handbook |
Document |
23 |
Exh.2.4.2 |
AF’s Lecturer Handbook |
Document |
24 |
Exh.2.4.3 |
Meeting minutes between Faculty Leaders and students |
Document |
25 |
Exh.2.4.4 |
Seminar on teaching and learning method |
Document |
26 |
Exh.2.4.5 |
Teaching methods training for academic staff |
a |
List of lecturers participated in teaching methods training |
Document |
b |
Photos of activities in the training course |
Document |
27 |
Exh.2.4.6 |
Practices of active teaching methods in the BSA programme |
Document |
28 |
Exh.2.4.7 |
Educational activities highly associated with WoW |
a |
Procedure and progress of WoW Committee establishment |
Document |
b |
Procedure and progress of guest lectures from WoW |
Document |
c |
Procedure and progress for implementing internships |
Document |
d |
Procedure and progress of field trip |
Document |
e |
Procedure and progress of thesis implementation |
Document |
29 |
Exh.2.4.8 |
List of subjects which were taught in English |
Document |
30 |
Exh.2.4.9 |
Activities of English Club |
Document |
31 |
Exh.2.4.10 |
International student exchange programmes |
32 |
Exh.2.4.11 |
Acting plan of Youth Union and Study Association |
Document |
33 |
Exh.2.4.12 |
MOU signing between FA and partners (Universities, Companies and Research institutes) on staff exchange and research collaboration |
Document |
34 |
Exh.2.5.1 |
New student intake requirements |
Document |
35 |
Exh.2.5.2 |
Table of entrance score statistics from 2013-2019 |
Document |
36 |
Exh.2.5.3 |
Examination activities |
a |
Educating regulations on examination and student assessment |
Document |
b |
Bank of examination paper samples |
Document |
c |
Handbook of examination procedure |
Document |
d |
Procedure of examination progress |
Document |
e |
Progress and procedure for assignment exams, grades and study results |
Document |
37 |
Exh.2.5.4 |
Progress and procedure for managing internships |
a |
Samples of internship reports |
Document |
b |
Rubric for internship assessment |
38 |
Exh.2.5.5 |
Progress and procedure for doing thesis |
Document |
a |
Decision and list of research topics assigned for final year students |
Document |
b |
Panel of graduation thesis defends |
Document |
c |
Rubric for thesis assessment |
Document |
d |
Samples of advisor, reviewer and committee’s comment for thesis |
Document |
e |
Samples of thesis reports |
Document |
39 |
Exh.2.5.6 |
Survey forms and report on students’ feedback on courses |
Document |
40 |
Exh.2.5.7 |
Appeal procedure |
41 |
Exh.2.6.1 |
Academic staff manpower |
a |
NLU human resource planning |
Document |
b |
FA development strategy |
Document |
c |
List of retired lecturers and new employee recruitment |
Document |
d |
Development plan for Associated Professor |
Document |
e |
List of academic staffs with qualification |
Document |
f |
Scientific curriculum and diploma of academic staff |
Certificate |
g |
List of Management staff |
Document |
h |
Decision on roles and responsibility of management staff |
Decision |
i |
Authorities and responsibilities of faculty leaders (Dean, Deputy, Head of department, lecturers, curriculum assistant, faculty secretary) |
Document |
42 |
Exh.2.6.2 |
Human resource policies related to academic staff |
a |
Decree No. 29/2012/NĐ-CP on 12/4/2012 of the government about recruitment, executing and managing of staffs |
Document |
b |
Labor law |
Document |
c |
Law No. 22/2008/QH12 Law of academic staff |
Document |
d |
Law No. 58/2010/QH12 Law of servant |
Document |
e |
Regulation on internal criteria |
Document |
f |
Regulation on working condition, duty and benefits of lecturers |
Decision |
g |
Description of personal tasks |
Decision |
h |
Clause 21: About standard working hour for lecturers, Regulation on internal criteria of NLU |
Decision |
i |
Decision on awarding for published in international scientific journals |
Decision |
43 |
Exh.2.6.3 |
Academic staff recruitment |
a |
Staff recruitment procedure |
Document |
b |
Progress and procedure for profession evaluation to staff recruitment |
Document |
b |
Staff recruitment plan |
Document |
c |
Criteria checklist for staff recruitment |
Document |
d |
Regulation on standards for appointing lecturer |
Document |
e |
Staff recruitment announcement |
Document |
f |
Decision on assigning probationary guiding academic staff |
Decision |
g |
Documents for probation expiration of academic staff |
Decision |
h |
Decision on recognition of probation period of academic staff |
Decision |
i |
Job description |
Document |
44 |
Exh.2.6.4 |
Training activities for academic staff |
a |
Human resources training and developing procedure |
Document |
b |
Scholarship announcement from International Relationship Office |
Document |
c |
Survey on improvement of capacity demand of academic staff |
Document |
d |
Training plan for academic staff |
Document |
e |
Training implementation and report |
Document |
f |
List of lecturers completed post-graduates course from 2013 to 2018 |
Document |
g |
Decision on studying abroad for lecturers |
Document |
h |
List of lecturers participated in international and national conferences and short training courses in abroad |
Document |
i |
MoU signing between FA and partners (universities, companies and research institutes) on staff exchange |
Document |
j |
Attending in teaching methods for higher education training course |
Certificate |
45 |
Exh.2.6.5 |
Teaching activities of academic staff |
a |
Semester teaching schedule |
Document |
b |
Roles and responsibilities of educational inspector |
Document |
c |
Evaluation form on lecture delivery |
Document |
d |
Evaluation procedure, checking the execution of teaching regulation for lecturers |
Document |
e |
Report on examination implementation |
Document |
f |
Report on total teaching hours |
Document |
g |
Reading list (books, book chapters and papers) |
Books, e-books |
46 |
Exh.2.6.6 |
Emulation and rewards for academic staff |
a |
Decision on annual award for best staff |
Decision |
b |
Staff evaluation and classification report, evaluation form |
Document |
c |
Report on individual staff evaluation from 2014 to 2019 |
Document |
d |
Decision on recognition rewards |
Decision |
e |
Instruction on selecting the best awards evaluation |
Document |
f |
Decision on salary level increase, seniority pay for academic staff, servant from 2014 to 2019 |
Decision |
g |
Decision on early salary raise of FA academic staff |
Decision |
h |
Teacher’s day pictures, New Year Meeting |
Image |
47 |
Exh.2.6.7 |
Research activities of academic staff |
a |
List of research projects |
b |
List of papers published on international journals |
Document |
c |
List of papers published on national journals |
Document |
d |
National/international conference attending |
Document |
e |
Certificates of national/international conference |
Document |
48 |
Exh.2.7.1 |
Support staff manpower |
a |
NLU human resource planning |
Document |
b |
FA development strategy |
c |
List of support staff and their qualification |
Document |
d |
List of library human resource based on qualification |
Document |
49 |
Exh.2.7.2 |
Support staff recruitment |
a |
Supporting staff recruitment plan |
Document |
b |
Regulation on criteria for selection of supporting staffs |
Document |
c |
Supporting staff recruitment announcement |
Document |
d |
List of retired staff and new recruitment |
Document |
e |
Decision on assigning probationary guiding support staff |
Decision |
f |
Documents for probation expiration of support staff |
Document |
g |
Decision on recognition of probation period of support staff |
Decision |
50 |
Exh.2.7.3 |
Training for support staff |
a |
Decision on training for supporting staffs |
Decision |
b |
List of support staff attending training course |
Document |
51 |
Exh.2.7.4 |
Emulation and rewards for support staff |
a |
Competing and awarding classification and awarding table for support staff |
Document |
b |
Recognition decision of competing award and awarding from 2014 to 2019 individuals and group |
Decision |
c |
Salary increase decision for academic and support staffs from 2014 to 2019 |
Decision |
d |
Decision on early salary increase of supporting staff |
Decision |
52 |
Exh.2.8.1 |
NLU student intake policy and admission criteria |
a |
Enrollment regulation and announcement |
Document |
b |
Strategy and approaching activities, career orientation for high school students |
Document Website |
c |
Students intake policy, admission criteria, benchmark analyzed table and graph |
Document |
d |
Student enrollment handbook |
Document |
53 |
Exh.2.8.2 |
AF student intake and quality |
a |
List of successful candidates |
Decision |
b |
Announcement of successfully selected |
Decision |
c |
Comparison table, recognition decision for top students |
Decision |
54 |
Exh.2.8.3 |
List of supporting services for students |
a |
List of advisors from 2014-2019 |
Decision |
b |
Decision of the function and duty of the Student Affair Office |
Decision |
c |
Career Affair Day (list of companies participated and photo) |
Document Image |
d |
Information of part-time job and job oppurtunities |
Document Website |
e |
Establishment decision of Student Affairs Office and Companies Relation Center |
Decision |
f |
Establishment decision of Psychology consultation team |
Decision |
g |
Assignment decision of assistant Dean of student affairs |
Decision |
h |
Assignment decision of FA’s advisors |
Decision |
i |
Soft skill seminar and training courses |
Document Image |
j |
Questions and answer website |
Document |
55 |
Exh.2.8.4 |
AF student meeting minutes and activities plan |
a |
The pictures of new students meeting minutes |
Document |
b |
Class meeting minutes |
Document |
c |
Plan for welcoming new student |
Document |
d |
Welcoming new student activities |
Image |
e |
Pictures of outdoor activities |
Image |
56 |
Exh.2.8.5 |
Student scholarships and awards |
a |
Student awards |
Decision |
b |
University/companies scholarship considering meeting minutes |
Document |
c |
List of students who received university/companies scholarship |
Document |
d |
Decision and List of companies sponsored for FA’s student scholarships |
Decision Document |
57 |
Exh.2.8.6 |
Feedback from fresh graduate students |
a |
Survey questionnaires for fresh graduate students |
Document |
b |
Summary report on fresh graduate student survey |
Document |
58 |
Exh.2.9.1 |
Timetable |
Document |
59 |
Exh.2.9.2 |
Staff office, hall, classroom and laboratory |
a |
Staff office pictures |
Image |
b |
List of FA’s laboratory |
Documant |
c |
Classroom and laboratory |
Image |
d |
Office total area statistics |
Document |
e |
Classroom, laboratory regulations |
Image |
f |
Classroom and laboratory total area statistics |
Document |
g |
Student hall total area |
Document |
h |
Pictures of student hall activities |
Image |
60 |
Exh.2.9.3 |
Library resources and activities |
a |
List of textbooks |
Document |
b |
Book orders form |
Document |
c |
List of magazines from 2012-2019 |
Document |
d |
List of AF library documents |
Document |
e |
Library management software adjustment contract |
Document |
f |
Decision of the function and activities of library |
Decision |
g |
Rules of library |
Document |
h |
Investigation result of students who used the library |
Document |
61 |
Exh.2.9.4 |
E-resources |
a |
List of electronic textbook and documents |
Document |
b |
Sample of E-databases |
Website |
62 |
Exh.2.9.5 |
Laboratory |
a |
List of laboratory equipment |
Document |
b |
Activities of laboratory |
Image |
63 |
Exh.2.9.6 |
Activities of practical farm |
Document Image |
64 |
Exh.2.9.7 |
Plan of purchasing, maintenance and checking of the facilities and equipment |
a |
Facilities purchasing procedure |
Document |
b |
Plans of purchase facilities |
Decision |
c |
Facilities checking procedure |
Document |
d |
Annual facilities checking report period from 2014 to 2019 |
Document |
e |
Facilities usage recording handbook |
Document |
f |
Fixing, maintenance and purchasing plan |
Document |
g |
Facility management office website |
Document |
h |
Hotline for maintenance facilities |
Image |
65 |
Exh.2.9.8 |
IT facilities |
a |
Contracts on connection improving |
Document |
b |
List of email contacts of staff |
Document |
c |
List of computers |
Document |
d |
Educational software licensed |
Document |
66 |
Exh.2.9.9 |
Student dormitory |
a |
Report of dormitory |
Document |
b |
Co May dormitory |
Image |
67 |
Exh.2.9.10 |
Sport facilities and activities |
a |
Football field design |
Document |
b |
List of sport supporting facilities |
Document |
c |
Sport stadium constructing contract |
Document |
d |
Total area for sporta activities |
Document |
68 |
Exh.2.9.11 |
Health care |
a |
List of students attended for health check 2014-2019 |
Document |
b |
Student health student form |
Document |
c |
List of students participated in health insurance program |
Document |
d |
Health check contract 2014-2019 |
Document |
e |
Annual health check plan |
Document |
f |
Hallways, special tollets for disabilities |
Document |
69 |
Exh.2.9.12 |
Security and safety regulations |
a |
Establishment decision of security team and list of security team |
Decision |
b |
Decree No. 06/2013/NĐ-CP on security team |
Document |
c |
NLU regulation about security |
Decision |
d |
Establishment decision of fire prevention and fighting |
Decision |
e |
Fire prevention and fighting regulations |
Document |
f |
Pictures of regulations and orders |
Image |
g |
Fire prevention and fighting training course |
Document |
h |
Establishment decision for the Department of Safety Technique - Industrial Protection |
Decision |
70 |
Exh.2.10.1 |
Alumni association activities |
a |
Activities of alumni association |
Document |
b |
Meeting minutes between FA and alumni association |
Document |
c |
Pictures of outdoor activities construction |
Document |
71 |
Exh.2.10.2 |
Self-assessment and Quality assurance regulations |
a |
Establishment decision of Self-assessed Board, Secretary department and self-assessed department |
Decision |
b |
Establishment decision of AUN team |
Decision |
c |
Self-assessment plan of AUN |
Document |
d |
Self-assessment report of NLU level |
Document |
e |
External self-assessment projection plan |
Document |
f |
Establishment decision of the Quality Management Office (QMO) and Function of the QMO |
Decision |
72 |
Exh.2.10.3 |
Activities of scientific technology tranfer |
Image |
73 |
Exh.2.10.4 |
List of courses applied the research output |
Document |
Criterion 11: OUTPUT |
74 |
Exh.2.11.1 |
Graduating consideration |
a |
Regulation on graduating consideration |
Decision |
b |
Graduating consideration announcement of the Academic Affairs Office |
Document |
c |
Procedure of dropout students |
Decision |
75 |
Exh.2.11.2 |
Plan of studying and subject registration |
a |
Announcement of the Academic Affairs Office on subject registration each semester |
Document |
b |
Announcement of studying schedule publishing of academic year |
Document |
c |
Plan of online registration and adjustment the courses |
Document |
76 |
Exh.2.11.3 |
Admission requirement for Co May dormitory |
Document |
77 |
Exh.2.11.4 |
Graduates feedback |
a |
Form of graduates feedback |
Document |
b |
Report of graduates feedback |
Document |
c |
List of successful alumni of FA |
Document |
78 |
Exh.2.11.5 |
Financial distribution of scientific technology activities for student |
Document |
79 |
Exh.2.11.6 |
Scientific awards and other scientific conference awards |
Document Certificate Image |
80 |
Exh.2.11.7 |
Employer feedback |
Document |
81 |
Exh.2.11.8 |
Student feedback |
Document |
82 |
Exh.2.11.9 |
Staff feedback |
Document |
Page count: 4342
Last modify: 12-11-2019