International Cooperation
The faculty has conducted many projects in related areas with organizations from various countries over the world. Some remarkable projects carried out by the faculty in recent years are (1) the Vietnam-Netherland Higher Education Project, (2) World Bank Project, (3) the Assessing the loss of rice yield in unirrigated fields (GTZ), (4) the Planning for Irrigation and Drainage systems in the Camau peninsula (IRRI), (5) Dry rice-seeding technique in unirrigated areas (IRRI), (6) Improving acid sulfate soils (IRRI), (7) Rice – Shrimp program (ACIAR), (8) Cassava Asian Regional Program (CIAT, SATREPS), (9) Rural development program (Switzerland), (10) Natural Resources Protection in highlands (Ford Foundation), (11) Cocoa Program (ACRI, USA), (12) Effects of agro-chemicals on soil microorganism communities (IRRI), (13) Soil and Plant contamination program (ACIAR), (14) Coconut Beetle program (FAO) and (15) Seed Conservation (Darwin Initiative and Reading University, UK).
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Last modify: 25-10-2019