The 2006-2010 Higher Education Renovation Agenda (HERA) of the government of Vietnam formulated the different challenges and goals for the development of higher education.
One of the biggest challenges for Vietnamese universities is to become more market oriented by adopting a more integrated approach to changing market needs and focusing on the required competencies and skills for specific jobs.
Since 2000 the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and universities have developed a range of initiatives, including the Vietnam-Netherlands Higher Education Project, which introduced Profession-Oriented Higher Education (POHE) at eight Vietnamese universities in the framework of the NPT programme.
NICHE will help further develop POHE in the second phase of this project aimed at consolidating and sustaining the supervision and implementation of gender sensitive and labour market focused POHE programmes by MOET and concerned Vietnamese universities.
The project has four specific objectives:
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Last modify: 14-09-2018