Address: Room 108, Phuong Vy Building, Nong Lam University,
 Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City.
Telephone: 08. 38961710  

I. General introduction


- Teaching subjects: Fundamental Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology for full-time and part-time students.

- Editing curriculum and materials related to the teaching subjects.

- Thesis supervisor: undergraduate and graduate (Master and PhD degree) students.

- Research: Study the theoretic and methodic problems for plant breeding and  create new varieties (purebred, composite, hybrid and mutants).

Staff members:

Mr. Nguyen Chau Nien, PhD. Lecturer; Head of department             E-mail:

MrNguyen Phuong, PhD. Lecturer                                                   E-mail:

Mr. Ho Tan Quoc, MSc. Lecturer,                                                       E-mail:

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Duyen, MSc. Lecturer                                  Email:

Ms. Nguyen Tuyet Nhung Tuong, MSc. Lecturer                              Email:

Teaching activities

- Every year, the department gives lectures for 8 - 10 classes, supervises 25 – 30 students with graduation paper.

- Training technicians in tissue culture technique.

- Textbooks :

+ Phan Thanh Kiem, 2008. Seed Technology of some short day crops, Agriculture Publisher, 162 p.

+ Phan Thanh Kiem, 2007. Quantitative Genetics: principle and problem application in crop plant research, Agriculture Publisher, 164 p.

+ Phan Thanh Kiem, 2006. Plant Breeding, Agriculture Publisher, 288 p.

+ Tu BichThuy, 2004. Plant Breeding, National University Publisher, HCM city, 220 p.

+ Nguyen Phuong, Ho Tan Quoc, 2007. Fundamental Genetics (internal document).

+ Tu BichThuy, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002. Plant Breeding (internal document).

+ Tu BichThuy, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2002. Fundamental Genetics (internal document).

III. Research activities

-  Collect some crop varieties, compare and test some promising varieties.

-  Create and select new varieties by crossing or experimental mutating.

 - Participate in scientific research of National projects.

-  Collaborate with other Institute and Research Center to conduct research on selecting and rescuing old crop varieties, testing new varieties.

-  Plant cell tissue culture: flowering, industrial and fruit plants.

-  Transfer tissue culture plants and vegetable crops.

Page count: 4871
Last modify: 10-08-2021

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