1. Advances in Agronomy, Volume 89
  2. Advances in Agronomy, Volume 90
  3. Advances in Genetics, Volume 52
  4. Amateur Breeder's Hanbook
  5. Biodiversity-in-Agricultural-Production-Systems
  6. Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology 2002
  7. Handbook of Plant Nutrition
  8. Handbook of Seed Physiology 2004
  9. Handbook-for-Vegetable-Growers
  10. Handbook of Plant & Crop Physiology
  11. Managing Weather and Climate Risks in Agriculture 2007
  12. Phytochemicals-Mechanisms-of-Action
  13. Plant-Anatomy
  14. Plant-Biology
  15. Plant Based-Biofuels
  16. Principles of Horticulture
  17. Rice – Nutrient Disorders and Nutrient Management
  18. Sugarcane
  19. Sustainable Agriculture 2009
  20. Trace Elements in Soils and Plants 3rd ed - (CRC, 2001)


  1. Handbook of Soil Analysis
  2. Methods-in-Applied-Soil-Microbiology-and-Biochemistry
  3. Microorganisms-in-Soils
  4. Soil-fertility-management-for-sustainable-agriculture


  1. Applications-of-PCR-in-Mycology
  2. Bacteria in Agrobiology - Stress Management 2012
  3. Biotechnology and Plant Disease Management 2008
  4. Chemical Pesticides - Mode of Action and Toxicology
  5. Diagnostic Bacteriology Protocols
  6. Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Applications 2004
  7. Fungal Genetics
  8. Fungal-Pathogenesis
  9. Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2006
  10. Insect Pest Management
  11. Insect Physiology
  12. Insect Viruses - Biotechnological Applications (AVR 68) 2006
  13. Natural Resistance Mechanisms of Plants to Viruses
  14. Nochemical weed management
  15. Organic Farming Pest Control & Remediation of Soil Pollutants 2009
  16. Pesticide-toxicology-and-international-regulation
  17. Pesticides-Health-Safety-and-the-Environment
  18. Physiological systems in insects
  19. Recent-developments-in-management-of-plant-diseases
  20. The Role of Plant Pathology in Food Safety, Security 2010
  21. Virus taxonomy
  22. Weed-Handbook


  1. Biochemistry-vol1
  2. Biochemistry-Vol-2
  3. Biotechnologies
  4. Biological treatment processes
  5. Bioinfomatics-for-Geneticists
  6. Biotechnology lab manual
  7. Genes and DNA
  8. Genetics and Molecular Biology
  9. Guide to biotechnology
  10. Handbook-of-Enzymes
  11. Handbook of Fungal Biotechnology 2nd ed 2004
  12. Introduction-to-Biotechnology
  13. Orchid Biotechnology
  14. Physiology and Biotechnology Integration
  15. Plant Biochemistry 3rd ed (Elsevier, 2005)
  16. Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Markers 2004
  17. Plant Biotechnology
  18. Plant Genotyping - The DNA Fingerprinting of Plants (CABI)
  19. Plant-Cell-Culture
  20. Plant-Tissue-Culture-Engineering
  21. Regulation of Gene Expression


  1. Experimental-Design-and-Data-Analysis
  2. Scientific Writing
  3. Statistical-Design
  4. Statistics and Probability


  1. A-Practical-Guide-to-Growing-Mushrooms


  1. Dictionary-of-Agriculture
  2. Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol 1 (A-D)
  3. Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry - Vol 2 (E-M)
  4. Encyclopedia of Genetics
  5. Encyclopedia-of-Chemical-Biology
  6. Encyclopedia-of-Plants-Algae-and-Fungi


  1. Climate Change and Global Crop Productivity 2000
  2. Climate Change and Global Food Security 2005
  3. Organic Chemistry 6th ed 2012


Page count: 2783
Last modify: 11-11-2019

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